One Stop Guide to Investing

This course has 5 chapters with 110 lessons.

Finally, an investing course that's easy to understand and will prepare you to take action.

Get it now for $549.00


In this course we cover everything you need to know to be a confident and successful investor. You’ll be able to hold your own in any conversations about the stock market and see right through clickbait news headlines intended to scare you. But best of all, you’ll have the tools to invest your money so that it can grow, protect you against inflation, and prepare for your dream (maybe even early?) retirement.

You'll learn:

  • The basics of investing, the stock market, and the economy
  • Define and understand asset allocation, diversification, and asset types
  • How to assess all your investment options
  • How to create a personalized investment strategy
  • Understand what kind of investor you are
  • Analyze investment risk
  • Everything you need to know to get started investing
  • Common investing mistakes and how to avoid them

Who is this for?

Perfect for beginners or those in need of a refresher. If you have savings that you’re unsure what to do with, you’ve heard the investing hype but feel out of the loop, if you have been meaning to get started investing but don’t know where to start, you find it to be too complicated, or if you just want to feel more confident, this course is for you. No prior knowledge required.

What you'll learn

We start at the very beginning by setting the stage and defining common words and concepts that may or may not already be familiar to you- such as what are stocks, bonds, how the stock market works, how you make money investing, and how to think about risk. Then in Lesson 2 we dig deep into defining and explaining more advanced concepts such as asset allocation, diversification, security selection, and more. Lesson 3 is all about the practical realities of actually getting started – what is a brokerage account, when should you start investing, what do you need to get started, how to make your first investment purchase, when to sell, and how to navigate market crashes. Finally, we end with lesson 4, which covers common investing mistakes and equips you with the knowledge you need to avoid them.

Resources you'll get

Investment readiness checklist
Step-by-step guide to building your portfolio
Interactive worksheet

Key features

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Video content + audio-enabled
  • Text transcripts of all courses
  • Real-world examples
  • Expert led and supported with virtual "office-hours"
  • On demand unlimited access for 365 days
  • Quizzes + next steps recommendations
  • template, checklist, and additional resources

  • Chapter 1: Start with the Basics

    You don’t have to be super-wealthy to invest your money – quite the opposite. Anyone can use the fundamentals of smart investing to grow their bank balance and save for future goals, without complicated jargon getting in the way. Let's break down the basics of investing.

    Lesson 1 Introduction Video
    Lesson 2 Why You Should Care About Investing Text
    Lesson 3 What Is Investing? Video
    Lesson 4 What Is the Stock Market? Video
    Lesson 5 Four Most Important Things New Investors Should Know Text
    Lesson 6 How Are the Stock Market and the Economy Related? Audio
    Lesson 7 What Inflation Means for Your Money Text
    Lesson 8 Who Can Invest in the Stock Market? Video
    Lesson 9 How to Know the Right Time to Start Investing Your Money Text
    Lesson 10 What Kind of Investor Am I? Audio
    Lesson 11 What Are Bonds? Should I Care? Video
    Lesson 12 How Do You Actually Make Money Investing? Video
    Lesson 13 Why Do Stock Prices Rise and Fall? Text
    Lesson 14 What Is Compound Interest? Video
    Lesson 15 Why Is Compounding So Important? Video
    Lesson 16 How Long Should You Invest Your Money For? Video
    Lesson 17 Risky Business: What Is Risk? Audio
    Lesson 18 Emotions, Markets, and the Stock Market Audio
    Lesson 19 Finances & Feelings: What You Need to Know About Emotional Markets Text
    Lesson 20 Always Fact Check Advice Video
    Lesson 21 Test your knowledge - Do You Understand the Basics of the Stock Market? Quiz
    Lesson 22 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 2: Deciding What to Invest In

    You’re packing for a weekend away. You have a limited amount of room in your suitcase, so you carefully plan what you’re going to bring, and what you’re going to leave at home. Asset allocation works in kind of the same way. Instead of shoving the first thing you grab into your suitcase, it’s about window shopping for different types of investments and balancing your options.

    Lesson 1 Is More Better? How Many Investments Should I Have? Video
    Lesson 2 Stocks & Shares: What Are They and How Do They Work? Video
    Lesson 3 Stocks & Shares: What Are They and How Do They Work? Part 2 Video
    Lesson 4 The Names Bond Video
    Lesson 5 What You Need to Know About Investing in Bonds Video
    Lesson 6 How Do Funds Work? Video
    Lesson 7 What Are Index Funds and What's All the Hype About? Video
    Lesson 8 Digging into Index Funds Part 1 Text
    Lesson 9 Digging into Index Funds Part 2 Text
    Lesson 10 Investing in Art, Crypto, and Other Stuff Video
    Lesson 11 Socially Responsible Investing Video
    Lesson 12 Risk: Ability & Willingness Video
    Lesson 13 How to Build Your Portfolio Around Your Personal Risk Profile Video
    Lesson 14 Your Full Guide to Asset Allocation & Diversification: Recap Text
    Lesson 15 The Big Reveal: A Template to Follow Video
    Lesson 16 An Inside Look into My Portfolio Video
    Lesson 17 Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Portfolio Download
    Lesson 18 Test your knowledge - Do You Know How to Build an Investment Portfolio? Quiz
    Lesson 19 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 3: How to Actually Get Started

    Knowing is one thing. Doing is another. This one is all about the practicalities of investing your money. We’ll walk you through the process step-by-step, including how to open a brokerage account, how to buy your first stocks, and the big risks to watch out for.

    Lesson 1 Quick-Fire Recap: What You've Learned So Far Text
    Lesson 2 Starting Out: What Do You Need? Video
    Lesson 3 What to Consider When Opening an Investment Account Video
    Lesson 4 What Should You Actually Invest In? Video
    Lesson 5 What to Remember When Choosing Your Own Stocks Text
    Lesson 6 Invest All at Once or Slowly? Video
    Lesson 7 How to Turbocharge Your Investment Growth Video
    Lesson 8 Let's Do This, Making Your First Purchase Video
    Lesson 9 How Often Do You Need to Check on Your Portfolio? Video
    Lesson 10 Navigating (Potential) Market Crashes Video
    Lesson 11 How to Use Your Investments to Fund Your Goals Video
    Lesson 12 Investment Readiness Checklist Download
    Lesson 13 Test your knowledge - What Do You Need to Know to Actually Start Investing? Quiz
    Lesson 14 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 4: Mistakes to Avoid

    We’ve hyped up investing, but it’s crucial to be aware of avoidable mistakes before you roll the dice. Just like in a casino, a small win can encourage you to take bigger risks. We’ll talk you through common pitfalls and how to build an investment strategy that aligns with your goals and keeps your money out of trouble.

    Lesson 1 Investing Myths - Debunked Video
    Lesson 2 The Truth Behind Stock Picking Video
    Lesson 3 Panic! In the Market Video
    Lesson 4 How to Prepare for a Possible Recession Text
    Lesson 5 FOMO & YOLO Effects Video
    Lesson 6 Watch Out for Fees Video
    Lesson 7 Overcoming Investment Mistakes Video
    Lesson 8 Test your knowledge - Do you know what mistakes to avoid when investing? Quiz
    Lesson 9 Next actions you should do Text

    Common Questions About Investing

    Lesson 1 Frequently Asked Investing Questions & Answers Text

    Get it now for $549.00