Manage Your Money Like A Pro

This course has 7 chapters with 70 lessons.

Learn how to be your own financial planner. The Chief Financial Officer of your own life.

Get it now for $499.00


Financial planning is all about managing your incomings and outgoings to balance saving money for future you while also spending your money in a way that will make current you happy and fulfilled. After taking this course, you’ll have the tools to successfully manage your day-to-day finances in a way that will allow you to feel empowered and in control while not giving up the things that are most important to you.

You'll learn:

  • The importance of saving
  • How to turbocharge your savings
  • When to save, invest, or pay down debt
  • Budgeting 101 and tracking your expenses
  • A step-by-step guide to building a budget
  • How to tackle emotional spending
  • How to stick to your budget
  • Fighting back against unwanted spending

Who is this for?

Anyone who is looking for more support in managing their day-to-day personal finances. If you’re looking to save more money, pay off debt, or invest more this course will help you. No matter where you are on your financial journey – young, old, established, just starting out, wealthy, or pre-rich – this course will help you develop a sustainable, long term, and responsible relationship with money and overall financial planning. No prior knowledge required.

What you'll learn

This course covers three main themes: the importance of saving, budgeting, and behavioral finance. The first two lessons cover savings, where we talk about the importance of saving money and starting early, the difference between saving and investing, how much you should save, the impact of inflation on your savings, and ways to increase your savings. Lessons 3, 4 and 6 cover budgeting – the dreaded B-word. We go over a transformational way to keep a budget that looks nothing like what you’re accustomed to but will have the most tangible impacts. The remaining two lessons dig into how our behaviors impact our spending, saving, and financial personalities. We discuss ways to stick to your budget and maximize your savings without giving up the things that you love.

Resources you'll get

Net worth & expense tracker customizable spreadsheet

Key features

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Video content + audio-enabled
  • Text transcripts of all courses
  • Real-world examples
  • Expert led and supported with virtual "office-hours"
  • On demand unlimited access for 365 days
  • Quizzes + next steps recommendations
  • template, checklist, and additional resources

  • Chapter 1: Budgeting Basics

    Budgeting is one of the basic building blocks of financial wellness. Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em right now, we promise there’s a budget out there for you. Your financial journey is as unique as you are, so let’s work together to find a budget that makes sense to you.

    Lesson 1 What Is Budgeting and Why Does It Matter? Video
    Lesson 2 What a Budget Isn't Text
    Lesson 3 Let's Take Stock of Your Situation Video
    Lesson 4 Where Does All My Money Go? Video
    Lesson 5 Fixed vs. Variable Audio
    Lesson 6 Needs vs. Wants Audio
    Lesson 7 Understanding Uncommon Expenses Audio
    Lesson 8 The Story Behind the Numbers Video
    Lesson 9 Test your knowledge - Do You Understand the Basics of Budgeting? Quiz
    Lesson 10 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 2: Your Step-by-Step Budget

    You’re sold. Budgeting is important. No, it’s essential. Now, it’s time to build your budget one step at a time. We’re not here to throw you in the deep end. Instead, we’ll break down the process into easy, bite-sized chunks, kind of like a recipe. You’ve got the ingredients; let’s start cooking.

    Lesson 1 Where Do I Start? Audio
    Lesson 2 Financial Spring Cleaning Text
    Lesson 3 Taking Your Financial Vital Signs Audio
    Lesson 4 Labeling Your Spending Video
    Lesson 5 Getting Up Close and Personal With the Categories Audio
    Lesson 6 The One Budget Category We Should All Have in Common: Savings Video
    Lesson 7 Make Debt Repayments a Priority Video
    Lesson 8 SOS I'm Living Paycheck to Paycheck Video
    Lesson 9 Budgeting with Uncertain Incomes - Freelancers & Self-Employed Text
    Lesson 10 How to Use Your Budget Video
    Lesson 11 Downloadable Expense Tracker & Net Worth Planner Download
    Lesson 12 Test your knowledge - Do You Understand How to Budget? Quiz
    Lesson 13 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 3: How to Stick to Your Budget

    You might have a fear of commitment (we’re not here to judge), but we guarantee, committing to your budget will be one of the best things you do for your financial health. There’s no right or wrong way to use a budget – as long as you don’t give up! Here’s how to make friends with your budget and stick it out long-term.

    Lesson 1 You Won’t Get an A+ for Sticking to a Budget Video
    Lesson 2 Look at Your Past to Determine Your Future (Budget) Audio
    Lesson 3 All About the Journey, not Destination Video
    Lesson 4 Focus On the Good Stuff Audio
    Lesson 5 Balancing Money with Big Life Events Text
    Lesson 6 Big Picture Thinking Audio
    Lesson 7 Test your knowledge - Do You Know What It Takes to Stay Committed to Your Budget? Quiz
    Lesson 8 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 4: Tackling Emotional Spending

    Spending money is easy – a little too easy. Whether you’re swiping your credit card, tapping your phone, or clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button, you’re spending real money, the money you worked hard to earn. Are you aware of your spending habits and how they impact your present and future life? Find out now.

    Lesson 1 Become a Spending Detective Video
    Lesson 2 How to Combat Emotional Spending Audio
    Lesson 3 Digging Deeper into Emotional Spending Text
    Lesson 4 We Are a Sum of Our Daily Habits Audio
    Lesson 5 Spending Money That's Not Yours Yet Audio
    Lesson 6 Think Before You Click Audio
    Lesson 7 Don't Get Caught Up in a Life You Can't Afford Audio
    Lesson 8 Test your knowledge - What Is Emotional Spending? Quiz
    Lesson 9 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 5: Fighting Back Against Unwanted Spending

    Advertisers rely on people spending money on things they don’t need or want. While some ads stick out like a sore thumb, others are like undercover agents. Their mission: convince you to buy, buy, buy. If you’re not aware of the sneakiest ads (social media, bank ads, and healthcare ads, to name a few), you risk buying things you don’t even want.

    Lesson 1 Why You Buy Things You Don't Want Video
    Lesson 2 Why Social Media Ads Are Irresistible Audio
    Lesson 3 Is Your Credit Card Hurting Your Financial Goals? Text
    Lesson 4 Beware of the Clearance Trap Audio
    Lesson 5 Regaining Control Audio
    Lesson 6 Test your knowledge - Does Instagram Impact Your Spending? Quiz
    Lesson 7 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 6: Is Saving Really That Important?

    Saving money is like exercise for your bank account. You might not feel it immediately, but you know it's good for you. The benefits of saving are life-changing – it gives us financial security, helps us plan for the future, and supports us as we chase after our goals.

    Lesson 1 Introduction Video
    Lesson 2 Where to Start When it Comes to Managing Your Money Text
    Lesson 3 Why Do We Save? Video
    Lesson 4 Types of Savings Explained Video
    Lesson 5 Why Paying Off Debt First Is a No-Brainer Audio
    Lesson 6 The Magic of Compound Interest Video
    Lesson 7 Digging Deeper into Compound Interest Text
    Lesson 8 What Is Inflation and Why Should You Care? Video
    Lesson 9 Digging Deeper Into Inflation Text
    Lesson 10 How To Prepare for a Recession Text
    Lesson 11 To Save or To Invest? Audio
    Lesson 12 Test your knowledge - Is Saving Really That Important? Quiz
    Lesson 13 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 7: How to Turbocharge Your Savings

    As a kid, you likely had a piggy bank or shoebox stashed under your bed filled with coins and cash. But as an adult, stashing away your savings is a little more complicated. We’re here to give you the low-down on savings accounts, types of savings, and how much to save.

    Lesson 1 Savings Accounts, Explained Audio
    Lesson 2 How Many Savings Accounts Should You Have? Audio
    Lesson 3 How Much Should You Save per Month? Video
    Lesson 4 How to Break the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle Text
    Lesson 5 The Importance of Paying Yourself First Video
    Lesson 6 Should You Invest Your Savings? Audio
    Lesson 7 What is Lifestyle Creep & Does It Impact You? Text
    Lesson 8 Tips & Tricks To Save More Money Text
    Lesson 9 Test your knowledge - What's the Best Way to Save More Money? Quiz
    Lesson 10 Next actions you should do Text

    Get it now for $499.00