How to Get Out and Stay Out of Debt

This course has 5 chapters with 55 lessons.

Helping you kick debt to the curb with a true, tried and tested plan

Get it now for $349.00


Debt can be emotional, confusing, and down-right frustrating. In this course, we tackle all things debt to help you use debt to your advantage and avoid it being your Achilles heel. We talk about why debt is so confusing, clear up common misconceptions, and help you develop real-world strategies to get out of debt, for good.

You'll learn:

  • The underlying mechanics of how debt works
  • A comprehensive guide to credit cards, including how they work, how they can be harmful, and how they can be helpful
  • Learning to analyze the fine print that matters
  • A step by step plan to getting out of debt

Who is this for?

Anyone who has debt outstanding or is trying to understand how different kinds of borrowed money works – like credit cards, mortgages, personal loans, student loans, and more. If you’re looking to improve your understanding of debt – how to manage it, overcome it, and use it to your advantage – this course is for you.

What you'll learn

In theory, all kinds of debt follow roughly the same mechanics: you borrow money, you compensate the lender something for letting you use their money, and then you repay it. But in reality, different types of debt can look dramatically different and be incredibly consuming for the average person. In this course we break down the similarities and differences between debt, the main things to look out for, and equip you with a new vocabulary to tackle whatever kind of life throws at you. We also talk about real world ways to finally kick debt to the curb – and stay out of it.

Resources you'll get

Get out of debt checklist

Key features

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Video content + audio-enabled
  • Text transcripts of all courses
  • Real-world examples
  • Expert led and supported with virtual "office-hours"
  • On demand unlimited access for 365 days
  • Quizzes + next steps recommendations
  • template, checklist, and additional resources

  • Chapter 1: Understanding the Impact of Credit Cards

    Special points, airline miles, loyalty rewards, and shiny, platinum status – credit cards use every trick in the book to entice us. Sometimes credit cards make sense. Other times, they destroy our budgets and sabotage our future money goals. Learn how credit cards function so you can make them work for you – and not against you.

    Lesson 1 How Do Credit Cards Work? Video
    Lesson 2 Is Your Credit Card Hurting Your Financial Goals? Text
    Lesson 3 What Is APR? Video
    Lesson 4 What Is Compound Interest? Video
    Lesson 5 Why You Will Always Be Approved for More Than You Can Afford Audio
    Lesson 6 Getting Comfortable with Monthly Payments Audio
    Lesson 7 Why Available Credit Is Not Actually Available Audio
    Lesson 8 Benefits and Drawbacks Audio
    Lesson 9 Points, Miles, and Other Perks Video
    Lesson 10 Test your knowledge - Do You Know How Credit Cards Work? Quiz
    Lesson 11 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 2: How Does Debt Work?

    Debt, loans, credit, oh my! Borrowed money comes in many different guises. Whatever it’s called, it’s crucial to understand how it works before you sign the dotted line. Get the basics down, and you can steer clear of trouble and instead use debt to fund life’s most exciting milestones.

    Lesson 1 Introduction Video
    Lesson 2 Why Debt Is One of the Biggest Life Decisions You Can Make Video
    Lesson 3 When Is Debt 'Bad'? Text
    Lesson 4 What Kinds of Things Can You Buy With Borrowed Money? Audio
    Lesson 5 How Does Debt Actually Work? Audio
    Lesson 6 Compound Interest Explained Video
    Lesson 7 Digging Deeper into Compound Interest Text
    Lesson 8 How Much Can You Afford to Borrow? Audio
    Lesson 9 Test your knowledge - How Much Do You Know About Debt? Quiz
    Lesson 10 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 3: Breaking Down the Fine Print

    Be honest: have you ever read the fine print? Whether you’re getting your first credit card or committing to a 30-year mortgage, we’ll share the details you need to consider before you get tangled in a mess of debt.

    Lesson 1 The Fine Print Matters - Here's Why Audio
    Lesson 2 Expensive vs. Cheap: What's the Difference? Video
    Lesson 3 Secured vs. Unsecured: What's the Difference? Video
    Lesson 4 Don't Trip Up On These Sneaky Terms Video
    Lesson 5 How Debt Changes Your Life Today, Tomorrow, and in the Future Video
    Lesson 6 What Happens if I Can't Pay My Debt? Audio
    Lesson 7 Debt, Stress, and Mental Health Video
    Lesson 8 Test your knowledge - How Well Do You Understand Debt? Quiz
    Lesson 9 Next actions you should do Text

    Chapter 4: Real World Ways to Get Out of Debt

    Debt and shame go hand-in-hand, but you don’t need to feel inadequate, unprepared, or hopeless. Whether you have a little or a lot, we’ll walk you through proven, real-world ways to confront and tackle your debt. Living a debt-free life is possible, and your journey starts here.

    Lesson 1 Debt Sucks. Let's Talk About It. Video
    Lesson 2 Put a Ring on It - Time to Commit Audio
    Lesson 3 Taking Stock of Your Current Situation Video
    Lesson 4 Your Financial Spring Cleaning Text
    Lesson 5 Pay Off Debt or Save Money First? Video
    Lesson 6 Your Secret Weapon to Getting Out of Debt is Your Budget Video
    Lesson 7 How to Diagnose & Cure Emotional Spending Text
    Lesson 8 Picking Favorites Video
    Lesson 9 Lights, Camera, Action. Let's Do This! Video
    Lesson 10 Get-Out-of-Debt Checklist Download
    Lesson 11 Test your knowledge - How Well Do Really Understand the Terms of Your Debt? Quiz
    Lesson 12 Next actions you should do Text

    More Suggested Reading

    Lesson 1 Is Debt Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy? Text
    Lesson 2 Drowning in Debt? This is the Lifebuoy You’ve Been Waiting For Text
    Lesson 3 12 Signs You Have a Debt Problem Text
    Lesson 4 What's the Deal with Student Loans? Text

    Get it now for $349.00