Lesson 2: Deciding what to invest in

You’re packing for a weekend away. You have a limited amount of room in your suitcase, so you carefully plan what you’re going to bring, and what you’re going to leave at home. Asset allocation works in kind of the same way. Instead of shoving the first thing you grab into your suitcase, it’s about window shopping for different types of investments and balancing your options.

Is More Better? How Many Investments Should I Have?
Stocks & Shares: What Are They and How Do They Work?
Stocks & Shares: What Are They and How Do They Work? Part 2
The Names Bond
What You Need to Know About Investing in Bonds
How Do Funds Work?
What Are Index Funds and What's All the Hype About?
Investing in Art, Crypto, and Other Stuff
Socially Responsible Investing
Risk: Ability & Willingness
How to Build Your Portfolio Around Your Personal Risk Profile
The Big Reveal: A Template to Follow
An Inside Look into My Portfolio
Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Portfolio
Test Your Knowledge
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