The yellow brick road to success

60 min

How to define success beyond numbers

Think wealth equals success? Think again. Research (and Jim Carrey and The Notorious B.I.G) tells us that more money does not mean fewer problems. And chances are, if your bank account hit some magic number, you’d pin your success on something else out of reach. The secret: forget numbers. Define success on your terms. We’ll help you figure out how.


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Is this for me?

Most of us would love to have more money, but have you ever stopped to think how much money would be enough to make you happy? Have you ever had a goal and felt let down once you’ve achieved it, like something was missing? Do you know what success means to you? No matter how old you are or where you are in your journey (financial or otherwise), this session is for you if you want to align your finances with your values to live a healthier, happier, and more productive life. own starting from step 1.

What to expect?

We’ll talk about what society uses to peg “success” and why that could be leading you down the wrong path, how to define what success means to you, and the power of decoupling overall success from financial success. We’ll break down how to identify your core values and use them to drive your financial decisions. You’ll learn how to spend, save, invest, and donate intentionally and in a way that makes you happier and more successful. All attendees will receive a template to facilitate a values discovery exercise to help them define success. All sessions include a live Q&A.